Saturday 8 February 2014


A man buys a new car. Thereafter, for more than two years he became so psyco-covetous of his car, to an extent  he refused to let anyone to drive his brand new car...what more ride in it, including his wife and kid !.....He became super eccentric that he covered all the seat with protective covers ( double layered ), carried so many cloth to wipe away finger prints , paw prints, back prints.... name it.... !
     One day, after a very long time, he finally decided to take his lady and baby for a ride. Unfortunately, on the first ride itself, his baby vomits on his brand new leather seat. His wife panicked and stiffened, waiting for the all too familiar outburst ! True enough, the man became furious......
Man: This is why I say we'd better not take this car for this kind of a trip.

Wife: What kind of a trip? The other times when it rained and flooded, you said the same..that this car is not meant for this kind of we are going on a holiday what kind of a trip is this car for actually?

Man: Well, thats why, they say women are always backward in their thinking and never appreciate anything. You don't care to think how much this car costs and that the leather seat is breathable , so liquids can easily seep his vomit...

Wife : We're talking about an unwell child, and he is innocent..he did not plan to vomit in your car. Which is important to you? Your son who is sick or your car ?

Man: So now you are putting the blame on me again ? You say I am sefish and love my car more than our son. When have you ever listened to what I tell you ? You keep my house like shit, you keep my car like shit!

Wife : So it's your car, your house, and shall I presume it's your life as well?

Man : Precisely ! Coz when you first came, you brought nothing with you....
You know "nothing"?. Well, you should count yourself lucky to have married a wealthy man like me ! Because of me you can afford expensive things !

Wife : You know what? That is so base that you should measure my love for you against what you could afford to give me in return... that really hurts John ! Well which one of your conditions that I failed to obey? Is it the command that we should not eat in your car? Or the command that this car has been so personalised that only you deserve a comfort drive while you should put us in a station wagon or something..? Or the fact that , maybe nowadays you feel that you have over achieved and we are not cool enough for you , to drive with you?

Man : Don't start on that again... that's why....when everything comes so easy ... when I work so hard to be able to afford everything for both of you, you always take things for granted...

Wife : Am I not also contributing to this family, John? I have taken up a job that I don't really enjoy, all for the sake of improving our joint income....I work and I put in all my salary into our joint account , whereas you...? I dun even know how much you earn and how much you saving for us.... you are so secretive about your income...Your paycheck looks lucrative, but when it comes to expenditures, you always ask me to put in my money first ! Why ! I am not even holding my bank card and I have given my all to you... Yet you treat me this way! You humiliate I do not know how to take care of expensive stuffs...!

Man : If you think I am your husband, you don't question my motives and my agendas...thats for me to know and for you to obey ! If you can't , you can pack up and get out of my house ! And leave the car keys and your clothes and your jewelleries..! coz even that , I am the one who bought it all for you !

Wife : So , after you worked so hard and able to afford everything, you treat us like dirt... look you have gone way too far from our present conflict! But don't worry, I am used to all these threats... so you say we cannot wear shoes in your car, cannot eat, cannot drink, cannot stretch, cannot move, cannot turn, cannot recline the seat , cannot touch the player, cannot go to the mall, cannot put Baby's toys in the booth, cannot this and cannot that ! And...

Man : Stop it! (Man raises his hand to hit his wife). If it's inconvenient for you to comply to all this, then next time, you bring your own rickety car !

Wife : Just as I expected it ! Then why did you force me to put in $30,000 as down payment for this car? Is it for this nightmare ride you are giving us? When we went car hunting, what did you tell me? That my car is too small... "honey, we need a bigger car for our growing family.. this new car assures a pleasent long distance drive , with full safety spec with uncompromised comfort..?" You forgot you said that , didn't you?

Man : I knew it...They once said that my downfall would be because of a woman and thats you! Now you will, go around telling people that you helped me purchase this car and that I actually could have not afforded this car...

Wife : You are ruled by your pride and prejudice..that is why material love blinds your have hardened your heart towards family, love and trust....only God can help you....

Mandy was so wounded with his abusive words that she started crying unconsolably... ..confused, is this the same man she married 2 years ago, and why has he changed for the worst after his recent promotion ...why has he become so materialistic, egocentric and self-seeking.

      ■■  [ This story is fictitious and its characters and names , a mere creation. It is in no way affiliated to any individual in real life. ] ■■

             Some people love people and use things...but there are others who love things but use people.... If you want to know the true person , just wait till he gets rich or he is in a position.... you will know him by how he treats the  people around him...It's way too easy to put up a front in public or in our working environment....but the true person emerges behind closed doors, in the privacy of their homes, in the intimacy of their loved ones.....

So who are they really...?

Sunday 19 January 2014

Science versus God


QUOTES BY ALBERT EINSTEIN ( marvellous ! Please read !! )

Einstein's perception about life, God and the universe is mind-blowing ! Its amazing , though he was a physicist, he had inspired many theories and many more truths that changed the way mankind thinks , apart from his greatest discovery of the atomic bomb and not forgetting his theory of relativity.  He had indeed broken all codes of education and brought education itself to a higher order of thinking, ie. Think not through your books, but think through your senses... keep your mind open at all not undermine curiosity and creativity...and remember for every human wisdom, there is a supreme power that we are accountable for...

Please read on...enjoy , share and feel free to comment  !

1.  Before God we are all equally wise -and equally foolish..

2.  Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.

3.  Everyday I remind myself that my inner and outer life is based on the labour of other men, living and dead,

              and that I must exert myself in order to give  in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.

4. Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love. 

                How on earth can you explain in terms of chemistry and physics a BIOLOGICAL phenomenon as first love ? 

                Put your hand on the stove for a minute and it seems like an hour. Sit with that special girl for an hour and it seems like a minute. 

               Thats relativity ! ( awesome, right !?)

5. I never teach my pupils. I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.

6. I never think of the future - it comes soon enough.

7. Imagination is more important than knowledge.

8. It's a miracle that curiousity survives modern education.

9. It is a supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

10. Laws alone cannot secure freedom of expression, in order that every man present his views without penalty, there must be a spirit of tolerance in the entire population.

11. At any rate, I am convinced that God does not play dice.

12. Insanity : do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

13. The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax. 

14. Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by the age of 18.

15. Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.

16. If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts !

17. We should take care not to make the intellect our god,

                   it has of course powerful muscles, but no personality.

18.  Try not to become a man of success, but rather to become a man of value.

19. Truth is what stands the test of experience. 

20. To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself.

21. My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals Himself

                                   in the slightest details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.

22. Only 2 things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity. 

                                    And I'm not sure about the former.

23. Perfection of means and confusion of ends seems to characterize our age.

24. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. ....It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery everyday.

25. Reading after a certain age , diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and thinks too little falls into a lazy habit of thinking.

Wednesday 15 January 2014


People have many faces in them for a whole lot of reason....
Some are known for their live in the fab lane ( Kimora ?? ) or ,
perhaps the limelight ( Christiano Ronaldo or Messi ? ) ,
Some for their riches ( Richard Branson or Hilton or Lakhsmi Mittal? )  ,
Some for their voice ( Whitney Housten, Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Elton John )
Some for their sense of fashion ( Kim Kardashian or Victoria Becham !  ) ,
Some for their lavish lifestyle ( Angelina bought $21.5m heart shaped island for his 50th birthday !! Breathless right? ),
For their notority ( Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber ? Liked them better when they were innocent Mickey Mouse Club kids !! ),
For their passion in sports ( Dato Lee Cong Wei, Tiger Woods, Nadal, Serena, Usain Bolt...!!  )
Some for their talk variety show biz ( Oprah Winfrey or Elen Degeneres OR Jimmy Kimmel ? )
Some for their talents ( Adam Sandler and Eddie Murphy can make any cow smile !! ) ,
For their speed ( Schumacher, Sebastian Vettal ? ),
For their charity ( Gandhi, Mandela ) ,
For their ingenuity ( Eistein, James Watt, Bill Gates, Mark Zucheberg ? )

Whether for the right reason or for wrong reasons, these individuals were wheeled into fame and name by one element called the mind. The mind drives people to act , react to their advantage or disadvange.
I found myself madly in love with great minds, of course the ones that impacted the lives of others in a positive way...we do not focus on people who also in their endevour, fall into the limelight , but for wrong reasons , which does not edify others... ..
They are the ones who broke the norms in everyday live...
They  are the ones that people usually categorize as weirdos, geeks, nerds..
People who are laughed at, mocked and ridiculed sometimes for speaking their minds and doing the impossible...
People with great minds usually have a humble beginning, 
But what made them different were that they had the capacity to understand phenomenal changes , processes , mechanism and mankind itself,
That other minds don't recognize or decipher.
It takes a great mind to understand another great mind...
"Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, but great minds discuss ideas".
Their traits could range from stubborn, annoying, eccentric, melancholic, little lunatic, very charismatic ! Often ,people like them or don't like them , because nothing they ever say or do make any sense at all,  in the beginning ...!, but they have a driving force to keep their audience hooked to the idealogy , the momentum the inersia of their ability ...
something a common person is unable to do..
So, in conclusion, GREAT MINDS do live among us...our kids may be one of them too...nurture, encourage and support no matter how different they are from others. Uniquenes produces talents...
Despite popular believe that Einstein was left handed and dyslexic till the age of 8, recent studies show otherwise...he excelled in school actually.  When he was 8 years old, his father gave him a compass and he couldn't stop wondering why the needle spinned despite the apparent empty space...! Then when he was older, his dad sent him to college to study electrical engineering, but he clashed with the college authority and defied their systems..he became a college drop out...but who could have imagined this rebellious being could one day create the atomic bomb to end WW2 and interpret the theory of relativity physics ??!!? 
Schumachers father helped his son obtain his first kart racing licence at the age of 12 when he should have been studying,
Nelson's parents were illiterate and due to poverty he tended herds as a cattle boy, and this cattle boy could rise up, speak and change the world by putting an end to appartheid ?
..and the list goes on...
Sometimes we set a benchmark for what we want our kids to be but probably thats not what they're destined to be...we wanna keep up with the next door jones like their kids can do this, we push our kids to do this , then that, and the rest ! I think we should step back and observe what is inside of them thats waiting to bloom...don't get agitated when your kids do not excel in school...though its a pressure nowadays on parents coz its a rat race ...and our education system is so exam orientated that our kids cant go further than their pen and paper !
Nevertheless, kids who realize their potentials are the happiest kids and they grow up to be GREAT MINDS, GREAT PEOPLE. But kids who grow up to please others, or succumbed by norms, routines, and culture....would forever live in bondage, unable to disclose their full potential... and thats sad isn't it...
Someone once mentioned, ....if you're doing a job that you love, then you won't be working for the rest of your lives... how true it is .....
So lets allow our kids to grow to be GREAT MINDS AND GREAT PEOPLE ! In fact , whats more important than leaving a legacy when you are gone ?

Saturday 11 January 2014

THE LAMENTATIONS ..but then again....

       A week ago , I shared this poster from a friend's post in facebook but couldn' t help blogging about it further...In my humble knowledge on politics, my itching fingers find this statement both amusing and misleading... well because this is half truth.. the whole truth, and I  know...and ..he knows...whom do we hoodwink, ? Guess most Malaysian politicians have finances saved up to their 10th generation and their extended family...but did you ever stop to think whats gonna happen to us,  people who once trusted this great man's leadership and credibility to raise a successor who was suppose to carry on his legacy ?? So, what have you got here, Tun ? Why don't you come back and clean up the mess, huh ?



       Thus , the lamentation of a great leader who once ruled this nation with an iron fist. Who imposed many subtle laws that surprisingly maintained the peace and prosperity of a nation called Malaysia... Maybe now when we look back at having outlived draconian  laws like the ISA, Press / Media Freedom Act, Land Acquittal Act, New Economic Policy son of soil special priveleges, and countless others, its strange how we didn't feel we were being oppressed, sidelined and taken advantage of at that time , compared to now with the amplified version of all these atrocities ! If I could write a letter to Tun Dr. MAHATHIR, this would probably be what I would like to tell him from my heart...


       When I was a teenager, I used to be proud to be a Malaysian. Tun successfully put our country on the map. Suddenly , everyone near and far wants to live in Malaysia, a land flowing with milk and honey...tis what my grandfather used to say till the day he died , cause they once migrated to Malaysia long long time ago looking for a better live too...! 
       And the slogans...We are proud to be Malaysians, Malaysia truly Asia, Malaysia Boleh, Bersatu Kita Teguh...maybe I forgot the others...seemed so impressive for a small town girl like me.... 
Tun even gave us hope for a future, promising Vision 2020. 

        But now, many years down the road, Malaysia is sadly no longer what is used to be...
It's a big mistake Tun,  selling our country to traitors, parasites, evildoers and hypocrites ! who only thought about their comfort, wealth and welfare... 
     All that you built, Tun, national unity with diversity, racial harmony, the Malaysian brand, the economic boom of the 80s and 90s, bailing us out of recession by refusing help from the IMF....

( I mean you were so bold when you nailed our currency against the USD, I mean common', we're talking about an atomic matter against the world grizzly super power?!!
Your decisions were so futuristic, you made us WOW ! at your endevour ..I really thought you mustta be a hero at that time...
we were like people who had been saved from calamity, like fish out of it ! )

So, you may have practiced your unpopular policies, but surprisingly you RESPECTED US.... the minority ! YOU SURE KEPT US HAPPY AND FREE !

For once, you did not run around the streets, calling out to the Chinese to go back to their motherland, and calling the Indians gangsters, or burn Bibles, tear down temples. Yes,... you upheld the Malay supremacy, BUT NEVER HARPED ON IT TO HURT OTHERS....that kind of supremacy was HUMBLE AND DORMANT, FAIR AND PEACE LOVING...

So, when you ruled, well, what can I say..we were simply HAPPY !

When we talked about your Economic policies, we were HAPPY. 

When we talked about the budget, we were HAPPY ! 

When year end comes by, we eagerly looked forward to enjoy the fruits of our labour...THE BIG AND BIGGER BONUS  ! 

Every year, our income became better and better, our lives were becoming better and better....  our parents afforded comfortable homes...people could grow old gracefully and peacefully...


I use the word HAPPY repeatedly as this element is missing from most of our lives these days...2014.

        We are happy for a while, but then when the bills come pouring in, the assesments are due, the fees are credited, the loans are deducted, and everytime we drive through the god forbidden toll gates, ....
we can't help wishing for the days when it took forever to drive from Penang to KL, when LLN supplied us electricity, when we didn't even cared who collected our excretions, let alone Indah Waters..., When our Town Council didn't torture us with parking tickets and the DBKL Mayor did not spend $15 million for new year dangdut and fireworks whilst forcing a 300% raise on house assesment, when fuel was just petrol and diesel, no ron95 or ron97, we could use our car as long as we lived or till Iitself gets seized...!..much to our despair....

       We sit down and ..yes we lament and lament and lament...but the difference is, some of us lament because out of millions invested in shares, bonds and equities, maybe you are about to loose a few peanuts. Whereas , for some of us , peanuts are all we had and now even that is  being robbed to pay another's debt, literally speaking !

Statistics reveal that cases of child abuse and domestic violence has increased by 50% due to skyrocketting cost of living...


        Today, all the political and financial stability Is crumbling down before our very eyes...only because some people chose to favour one , over the other. Who created cronies, red tapes, bureaucracy, qoutas, favouritism, agendas and policies, that were way too biased, till some groups now are using your very success formula and blueprint to ruin all that you have ever built....

Much as I admire your majestic leadership...I have to tell you this Tun,,this is a mega blunder, a disasterous one, too...

        First, and foremost, you overthrew your own handmade apprentice, who could have and definately would have carried on your legacy. Do you realise, our country has been sold to all this half baked potatoes who are now ...YES THEY ARE !   indeed jetting and cruising around in multi million dollar vehicles, shopping in high end malls around the world, demolishing historical sites,...erasing history itself...having birthday bash in 5 star hotels, spending lavishly on door gifts, souvenirs and mounting utility bills...., ..

....just the time when the rest of the country is crying out , unable to handle the lunatic cost of living which is not even at par with our measly income....
The time when we are suffering to make ends meet, struggling to own our first property, to give our children the best education in this demanding world !!

        Tun,  if you would just sit back and recollect your memory, it would come to your mind that we are the very people who entrusted and contributed our hard earned money, in terms of taxes to this leadership, today we stand as loosers, not having got back even a fraction of what we invested, but on the other hand, we have to slog extra hard, to pay back the government debts due to overspending...

         Hey, why are we being squeezed , dripped , drained off our last penny to bring down our country's fiscal defisit to less than 4 % again? While some people can blissfully shop for diamonds and silk and purchase luxury condos, penthouses,  finance a block buster movie, book expensive cruises and private jet planes that cost $270, 000 per hour ??

Isn't this worst than communism or even cannibalism ??


Our parents cant even retire in peace, they are now expected to work extra years in their old age , still contributing to bail out a

Tun, With all due respect...

        Yes, you sold jets to bail us in the 90's, unfortunately , you as supposedly the mentor, failed miserably to educate your mentees, to follow your footsteps, your dignity and your integrity.For 20 years you ruled come you did not prepare a secret book, a blueprint for the next government to follow...especially on foundational policies of Malaysia, like what they do in the US ? There are certain grassroot disciplines / principles that every goverment should uphold.  Some principles could be viewed for changes. But some is best left on the shelf at all times..heres a few...


HISTORY Facts and Figures



        These do's and don'ts, together with a substantial amount of tolerance, brings about an aurora of harmony and ambience, compounded with a positive energy that would bring all humans to unite with one another...despite their THIS IS THE LAW OF NATURE...

      So having said this, one should raise groups who promote the stability and harmony of the nation...not racial groups who would destroy it...should I name some of them? I do not wish to rub salt on injury ......coz I know that by now , and by what statement you unleashed up there, your mind is already regretting the many things you could have or should have done....and what you should not have done...

Thats  a failed leadership one to be blamed, 


"Sharifah, Shin Yee, Sharon, Sumathi "


     There are times in life when you try to look beyond your current circumstances.. humans have a natural instinct to either look upwards , towards heaven or downwards towards the pits whenever faced with adversity...
Positive words, inspiration and rhema words are the kind of stuff that may uplift a person's soul.
Whereas, when you are faced with a problem, and people throw criticism, judgements and prejudiced remarks instead , this could crush your spirit and eat your bones...

Some people turn to the Bible, the Vedas and other scriptures to be encouraged and  inspired to move on... yet others turn to wise sayings , anecdotes and proverbs of the old..

But sometimes, you just want to hear a common phrase from a common person, who has no supernatural ability, no gifting, no speciality... just one simple word of comfort or wisdom , you long for...hoping that that word would perhaps change a lot of things , including the way you look at the whole picture...

You wish that after you hear those words, your life will never be the same again...

Here's a few from none other than Will Smith..

1. Throughout life, people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do. Cause hate in your heart will consume you too.

2. Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they didn't want, to impress people they don't like.

3. I don't make jokes, I just watch the government and report the facts.

4. Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.

5. You can cry. Ain't no shame in it.

6. I don't know what my calling is, but I want to be here for a bigger reason. I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived.

7. Parents just don't understand.

8. Everybody needs a partner to stand right by their side. Not only down for the good times, but also down through the bad times.

9. Money and success don't change people, they merely amplify what is already there.

10. The fellow that can only see a week ahead is always the popular fellow, for he is looking with the crowd. And the one that can see years ahead, has a telescope, but he can't make anyone believe that he has it.